2021-1 | LB840 Application – Project RWHF Workforce Housing | 1/4/2021 |
2021-2 | Pole Attachment Agreement with US Cellular | 3/16/2021 |
2021-3 | Workforce Redevelopment Plan | 1/19/2021 |
2021-4 | RYDE Transit Funding | 2/16/2021 |
2021-5 | Water Emergency Plan | 3/16/2021 |
2021-6 | Economic Development Plan Applicaton for GIC Project Fiddler | 3/16/2021 |
2021-7 | Alcohol at Employee Recognition Dinner | 5/4/2021 |
2021-8 | First Modification Redevelopment Plan -2021 Workforce Housing | 6/15/2021 |
2021-9 | Redevelopment Plan – Pony Express Car Wash Project | 7/20/2021 |
2021-10 | Redevelopment Plan – Good Life Project | 7/20/2021 |
2021-11 | Amend Personnel Policy-multiple sections | 8/17/2021 |
2021-12 | Municipal Annual Cert Program Compl 2021 | 8/17/2021 |
2021-13 | Acquisition or Development of Outdoor Recreation Grant | 8/17/2021 |
2021-14 | Forgiveness of Mann Hay Company Loan | 8/17/2021 |
2021-15 | Support Retention of Current Thirty Sixth Legislative District Boundary | 9/7/2021 |
2021-16 | Naming of 23rd Place | 9/7/2021 |
2021-17 | Set 2021-2022 Levy | 9/14/2021 |
2021-18 | 1 and 6 Year Program | 9/21/2021 |
2021-19 | Second Modification to Redevelopment Plan for 2021 Housing Project | 10/19/2021 |
2021-20 | Determine Electoral Districts | 11/2/2021 |
2021-21 | Continuation of 457 Plan | 11/16/2021 |
2021-22 | Keno Fund | 11/16/2021 |
2021-23 | Update Fee Schedule (multiple updates) | 11/16/2021 |
2021-24 | Year End Cert for City Street Superintendent-2021 | 11/16/2021 |
2021-25 | LB840 Application-DAD Annual Support | 11/16/2021 |
2021-26 | Two hour parking on City Lot | 12/21/2021 |
2021-27 | Transfer of funds from half cent sales tax fund to LB840 fund | 12/21/2021 |
2021-28 | Property & Casualty Insurance-LARM | 02/15/2022 |
2022-1 | RYDE transit funding 2022-2023 | 03/01/2022 |
2022-2 | Alcohol consumption at Pavilion for City, GIC, and Chamber events | 03/01/2022 |
2022-3 | Annexation Hearing-Hudson Landing | 06/07/2022 |
2022-4 | Location of stop signs- 23rd & Ave M, 23rd & Ave L, 22nd & Ave L | 07/05/2022 |
2022-5 | Property & Casualty, Work Comp Insurance-LARM 22-23 | 07/19/2022 |
2022-6 | Municipal Annual Cert Program Compliance 2022 | 08/16/2022 |
2022-7 | Redevelopment Plan – Wearpart Project | 08/16/2022 |
2022-8 | Addendum to 2018 Blight Study to P&Z | 08/16/2022 |
2022-9 | Boltcraft REDLG Loan | 08/16/2022 |
2022-10 | Set 2022-2023 levy | 09/13/2022 |
2022-11 | First Modification Redevelopment Plan -Good Life Project | 09/20/2022 |
2022-12 | First Modification Redevelopment Plan -Pony Express Car Wash Project | 09/20/2022 |
2022-13 | Determine Substandard and Blighted areas | 10/18/2022 |
2022-14 | Unsafe Building-Andrew Jesseph located 922 Jefferson | 09/20/2022 |
2022-15 | Unsafe Building-Andrew Jesseph located 1620 Avenue C | 09/20/2022 |
2022-16 | Unsafe Building-Albert Martinez located 505 Lake Avenue | 09/20/2022 |
2022-17 | 2022 Hazard Mitigation Plan | 10/18/2022 |
2022-18 | Economic Development Fund (LB840) Application for GLG Concepts LLC (Good Life) and Grant Agreement | 11/01/2022 |
2022-19 | Year End Cert for City Street Superintendent-2022 | 11/01/2022 |
2022-20 | 1 and 6 Year Road Program -2022 | 11/15/2022 |
2022-21 | Sale of excess property by auction-2022 | 11/15/2022 |
2022-22 | Sale of excess property by ebay-2022 | 11/15/2022 |
2022-23 | Economic Development Fund (LB840) Application for GIC for Industrial Tract Development (Old Sales Tax | 01/03/2023 |
2022-24 | Economic Development Fund (LB840) Application for Gothenburg Early Childhood Learning Coalition for Interlocal Agreement | 01/03/2023 |
2022-25 | Economic Development Fund (LB840) Application for Gothenburg Early Childhood Agency for Interlocal Agreement | 12/20/2022 |
2022-26 | Unsafe Building-Gary Smith located at 902 22nd Street | 12/20/2022 |
2023-1 | Third Modification to Redevelopment Plan for 2021 Housing Project | 02/07/2023 |
2023-2 | RYDE transit funding 2023-2024 | 02/07/2023 |
2023-3 | Amend Conservation Easement-Three B Limited | 03/21/2023 |
2023-4 | Interlocal and Membership in the League Insurance Government Health Team (LIGHT) | 05/02/2023 |
2023-5 | Economic Development Fund (LB840) Application for Industrial Park 3rd-Phase I Infrastructure and Grant Agreement | 05/16/2023 |
2023-6 | Appoint Gary Greer as representative on Mutual Finance Organization (MFO) and Interlocal Agreement | 06/06/2023 |
2023-7 | LB840 Application-Community Event and Announcement (Project Juan-Meadowlark) | 06/20/2023 |
2023-8 | LB840 Application-RT Ace LLC (Ace Hardware) | Tabled |
2023-9 | Property & Casualty, Work Comp Insurance-LARM 23-24 | 07/18/2023 |
2023-10 | Repayment of Airport Debts | 08/01/2023 |
2023-11 | EDA Rules and Regulations (Industrial Park 3rd-Phase II) | 08/01/2023 |
2023-12 | Property Management Agreement (Industrial Park 3rd-Phase II) | 08/01/2023 |
2023-13 | Ad Valorem General Obligation Bonds for EDA funds (Industrial Park 3rd-Phase II) | 08/01/2023 |
2023-14 | ADA Compliance for EDA funds (Industrial Park 3rd-Phase II) | 08/01/2023 |
2023-15 | Authorization to sign and submit grant application for EDA funds (Industrial Park 3rd-Phase II) | 08/01/2023 |
2023-16 | Authorize Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for EDA funds (Industrial Park 3rd-Phase II) | 08/01/2023 |
2023-17 | Municipal Annual Cert Program Compliance 2023 | 08/15/2023 |
2023-18 | Stops signs at Industrial Parkway and Cottonwood Drive | 09/05/2023 |
2023-19 | Appointment of Representatives for Lexington Area Solid Waste Agency (LASWA) | 09/05/2023 |
2023-20 | Annexation Hearing- Airport | 09/05/2023 |
2023-21 | JK Energy Consulting LLC Agreement-Electric Rate Study | 09/05/2023 |
2023-22 | Set 2023-2024 levy | 09/12/2023 |
2023-23 | Authorize application for REDLG grant for Impact Center $300,000 | 09/19/2023 |
2023-24 | Update Fee Schedule (2023 updates) | 10/17/2023 |
2023-25 | LB840 Application-Ace Hardware | 10/17/2023 |
2023-26 | 1 and 6 Year Road Program -2023 | 11/07/2023 |
2023-27 | Year End Cert for City Street Superintendent-2023 | 11/07/2023 |
2023-28 | Redevelopment Plan – Peterson Parking Lot | 11/21/2023 |
2023-29 | CPNRD Amended Conservation Easement-John Harnan (8-11-25) | 11/21/2023 |
2023-30 | CPNRD Amended Conservation Easement-John Harnan (7-11-25) | 11/21/2023 |
2024-1 | Authorize signature for Agreement for Installation and Operation of Automated License Plate Reader on State Highway | 02/06/2024 |
2024-2 | RYDE transit funding 2024-2025 | 02/06/2024 |
2024-3 | Update Fee Schedule (2024 cemetery) | 02/06/2024 |
2024-4 | Adoption of Emergency Water Plan (2024) | 02/20/2024 |
2024-5 | Authorize West Center Joint Housing to administer all housing choice vouchers | 03/05/2024 |
2024-6 | Redevelopment Plan – Gothenburg Storage | 03/19/2024 |
2024-7 | FSA Plan Document and Summary Plan 2024 | 03/19/2024 |
2024-8 | Redevelopment Plan – Meadowlark | 05/07/2024 |
2024-9 | LB840 Application Amended-GIC Annual Support of $52,000 | 04/16/2024 |
2024-10 | Appointment of Representatives for Lexington Area Solid Waste Agency (LASWA) | 05/21/2024 |
2024-11 | LB840 Application- GIC 404 9th St | 06/18/2024 |
2024-12 | Update Fee Schedule (2024 temporary storage) | 07/16/2024 |
2024-13 | Property & Casualty, Work Comp Insurance-LARM 24-25 | 07/16/2024 |
2024-14 | Prepayment of Claims | 07/16/2024 |
2024-15 | Bank signature cards | 08/06/2024 |
2024-16 | Municipal Annual Cert Program Compliance 2024 | 08/06/2024 |
2024-17 | One way travel in Alley between south sides of Lot 1-5 and north side of Lots 8-12 in Block 9, First Addition | 08/06/2024 |
2024-18 | Set 2024-2025 levy | 09/10/2024 |
2024-19 | Update Fee Schedule (airport rates for hangar rent and storage units) | 10/01/2024 |
Resolutions from 2021 to 2024Misty Bussinger2024-10-01T18:46:39-05:00